Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Day 7 - January 7 - A Royal Baby

One week in already. Where is the time going? Here's hoping the next 51 weeks go as well as this first one has!

These little people belong to my daughters. The birth of little Prince George this summer has captivated Alyssa in particular, although Caroline is partial to "baby", full stop. The Royal family depicted here has become a firm favourite with the girls, and Caroline often waves one or the other of them in my face, informing me whether the figure in question is "mummmm", "dad" or "baybeee" as the case may be.

I almost slept right through this evening and missed taking this shot. I went up to bed with Caroline around 8:30 and cuddled with her in our bed while she fell asleep. Trouble is, I did too, and only woke when I heard Chris start making a start on getting ready for bed around 11pm. Glad I heard him!

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